Gorilla Position – Episode 40
Hosts: James Delow and Rob Leigh
Guest: Diana Hart Smith
Date: October 8, 2015
Recap By Tania Leong
Top News Items
– Interview with Diana Hart Smith: Diana said that growing up as part of the Hart family was incredible and she would always defend wrestling when she was younger. She also said that initially her parents did not like the idea of her dating Davey Boy Smith but he eventually proved himself to them. She recalled the time where she was involved in a story with Davey and Shawn Michaels. She really enjoyed that time and took her role seriously. She also said that In Your House 1997 brings back very fond memories. Diana thinks that both Davey and Owen Hart should be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame.
– MSG Special review: Although both James and Rob enjoyed the show, they liked the Beast in the East more. Both really enjoyed the Kevin Owens vs Chris Jericho match and thought that the Brock Lesnar vs Big Show match was short and a little underwhelming.
– Raw Review: Both thought that this episode of Raw was nothing special and that Owens and Paul Heyman were stand outs.
Topics Discussed (with time stamps)
Introduction – 0.00
Introduction by James Delow
James noted that a lot had happened in the ‘world of sports entertainment’ over the past week with the MSG Special to the three-hour Raw to WWE 24 to Smackdown. He said that it was difficult to keep up with all the content – 00.49
James said that events like Beast in the East and the MSG shows that are only available on the WWE Network does have a special feel because the production is different and showcased something different without the over-saturation of storylines. He questioned whether this type of production is the way to go in the future, and have more of these shows and less of the themed PPVs. These network specials are more appealing to the audience whilst allowing for proper build-up of storylines on weekly television – 02.08
This week’s competition is to win copies of Summerslam 2015 – 04.50
Interview with Diana Hart Smith – 07.13
Diana is the youngest daughter of Stu Hart, sister of Bret and Owen Hart, and ex-wife of the British Bulldog, Davey Boy Smith.
Diana said that growing up in the Hart family was incredible but sometimes she felt estranged from the rest of the world because the Hart family had ‘[their] own rules’ and still today live at a pace set by her father, Stu.
James asked whether she was actually a fan of wrestling. She said that she was surrounded by wrestling but her father didn’t think that wrestling was for girls, to the point where it was preferred that the Hart daughters not to go near the door to ‘The Dungeon.’ Her mother was quite protective of the daughters because she felt that it was not good for ‘impressionable girls.’ Diana said that she was very curious about the industry and often got into fights defending wrestling at school. She recalled the time where she and Owen got into fights with other kids at elementary school.
James asked how she met Davey Boy Smith. Diana said that her parents never imagined her dating a wrestler and that her mother was more opposed to it than her father. She said that she and Davey was introduced to her by her brother, Bruce. Bret had a big hand in helping to keep their relationship a secret. She said that Davey risked getting fired from Stampede Wrestling for being with her but he proved himself as a person and wrestler. She said that the worst period of her life was when they were separated and when he passed away. She said that he was like a part of the Hart family and that he was an amazing person.
James asked her about Summerslam 1992 and the iconic match between Bret and Davey. He also asked whether Davey would have struggled in the industry if he hadn’t trained with or worked for the Hart family. Diana said that he might have struggled, but he did become successful in the industry.
Diana said that when Dynamite Kid left the then WWF, Davey felt the responsibility and loyalty to leave with his partner. The Dynamite Kid had left on bad terms but he did not. Afterwards, both worked in Japan again where they were quite popular. Vince McMahon went to Japan a while after they had left and asked whether they would be interested in rejoining the company. In the end, Davey decided to rejoin the company because he was having financial issues but Dynamite Kid was understanding of this situation and therefore was unhappy about Davey’s decision.
Back to Summerslam 1992. Diana said that she and her family were sitting in the Royal Box at Wembley Stadium despite the fact that the security didn’t want non-Royals sitting there. During the show, Shane McMahon bought her ringside to watch the Davey vs. Bret Hart match, something that she was not expecting. She said that she was torn between whom she wanted to win but saw both as champions.
James asked about her on-screen role when the British Bulldog was in a feud with Shawn Michaels. She said that she really enjoyed the role and took it very seriously because she had always wanted to have an active role in the industry. She said that this feud with Michaels was one of Davey’s biggest opportunities away from the shadow of the Hart family. She said that also enjoyed working with Davey because she could see that he was very happy. That is the reason why he found it difficult when he had to step away from the industry.
James asked about “In Your House: Canadian Stampede 1997.” She said that she was very proud when the Hart family was introduced individually to the ring as part of the main event. Despite the fact that the Hart Foundation was meant to be heels, the Calgary crowd cheered them. She said that the atmosphere after the match was ‘unbelievable.’
About Owen Hart, she said if he was still alive today, he would still be wrestling and Davey might still be alive as well. She said that Owen was and would still been an advocate for wrestling, and he would be living his dream in being an integral part of the industry. She thinks that he wouldn’t leave WWE and may have taken on a managerial role, possibly managing their son, Harry Hart Smith.
Diana said that she had heard that the WWE may be inducting Owen into the Hall of Fame next year and she really wants to see this happen because ‘Owen deserves’ this. She also said that she doesn’t understand why anyone would want to stop this from happening, and that the ‘wrestling world wants this to happen for Owen.’
Diana said that she would also love to see Davey be inducted in the HOF as well but not in the same year as Owen because he should be recognised and honoured individually. She wants to see Davey inducted in England if possible. She said there is a petition on TeamDaveyBoySmith.com to have him inducted in the HOF.
Diana has a book coming out which took five years to write. It is a romance novel set in the wrestling world in England, called Cauliflower Heart. The first book is available now and the other two volumes will be released after that. Her first book has won two literary awards. She said that a copy of the book has been sent to James as a gift.
MSG Network Special – 96.00
Rob said that this had a very different feel from Beast in the East and this special felt more like an episode of Raw. James said that this is true but there were subtle difference such as the dimming of the lights, use of the guardrails and a lot of MSG logos.
James said that there was a lack of character in the commentary team and not much distinction between the Rich Brennan, JBL, and Byron Saxton.
Both agreed that having a tag match of Randy Orton/Dolph Ziggler vs. Sheamus/Rusev was a better choice than the planned single matches. They are confused with the direction where Rusev is heading.
James said that he really enjoyed the interview Renee Young had with Kane because he worked well as the ‘over-excited employee of the month’ character.
Rob explained that Stardust trying to put on Neville’s cape was a reference to comic book villains, according to what he read on twitter. He also said that the feud between these two has been decent but Neville’s push went backwards on Raw. James said that he couldn’t see Neville in the main event level but would stay in the mid-card or upper mid-card.
James said that he had heard Nikki and Brie Bella spot calling during the match. He said that Paige had ‘fluffed up’ her lines during her post-match promo. Rob questioned why was PCB still a team and whether Team Bella was face or heel. Despite this being a ‘house show’ there should be some sort of continuation of storylines if it is being televised.
Both praised Paul Heyman’s promo backstage, he was able to sell the match in ’45 seconds.’ Rob said that Heyman would be releasing a behind the scenes video about the MSG show.
James thought that Chris Jericho vs. Kevin Owens match was the best of the night and the commentary calling it ‘a game of chess’ was very appropriate. He said that the crowd was very much into the match and shown how important Owens is in WWE. Rob thought it was a good but felt that ‘it never got going’ because the match was under ten minutes.
James was impressed that there was a ‘hype video’ for the tag team title match. He said that although the New Day was more comical on this show, they were ‘put over’ at the end of Raw by standing tall over John Cena, Ziggler and the Dudleys. Both thought the match was ‘good’ and didn’t mind the finish of the match because it was ‘slow burn’ in the storyline.
James thought the match between Lesnar and the Big Show was ‘short and to the point.’ The crowd was ‘loud for the beast’ and didn’t seem to mind that he missed the first suplex.
James felt that cage match between Seth Rollins vs. Cena was lackluster because it was basically a match they had seen before but in a cage. He also doesn’t understand why Cena pinned Rollins clean again and asked ‘why is Rollins champion because he is obviously not the best.’
Rob noted that Cena is taking some time off after Hell in the Cell and has been taken off the European tour.
Raw Review – 123.20
On Raw, both liked that Heyman opened the show with a big promo. Despite saying that at HIAC will be the last match between Lesnar and Undertaker, Rob doesn’t think this is the case. James thinks that there are many people who don’t want to see this match again and hopes that it is indeed the last one.
They discussed whether there would be any follow-up with Ziggler’s superkick to Cena. Rob thinks that there won’t be and that Ziggler may be the one to win the U.S. champion from Cena. James speculated whether the storyline on Total Divas may be used on Raw.
Rob said that last episode of Raw was the 18–year anniversary of Kane’s WWE debut (October 5, 1997).
Both thought that the six-man tag match was quite good and allowed for Roman Reigns and Braun Strowman to shine.
They mentioned that WrestleMania 32 tickets will be on sale on November 6 and the tickets range from $16.00 to $2,500.00. They recommend going to a WrestleMania.
James enjoyed seeing Natalya in the ring again, but Rob is worried that she may be used as a veteran talent. Both are quite undecided about the Rusev and Summer Rae storyline, but they suspected that this may lead to a U.S. Championship match with Cena or a triple threat match including Ziggler.
Both enjoyed the Owens vs. Sin Cara match and Owens’s ‘verbals’ in the ring like saying ‘that was three’ for a one count.
Rob didn’t like Neville being ‘squashed’ in ‘five seconds’ and also questioned where Barrett goes from here. They suspected that he still wants to be in a tag team.
WWE 24 Review- 143.28
Rob thought that the content on the Network is very good such as Table for 3. The WWE 24 covered the NXT Takeover Brooklyn comprehensively. Rob noted that the show mentioned that it was the last NXT show for Sasha Banks, Owens, Charlotte, and Becky Lynch. The show offered some very nice insight into the lives and background of Owens, Bayley, and Banks.
NXT Takeover: Respect – 153.20
Rob predicted that the final of the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic will be Finn Balor/Samoa Joe vs. Jason Jordan/Chad Gable, with the win to Balor/Joe.
Both are very excited for the 30-Minute Iron Man match and questioned how do Banks and Bayley top their performance at Brooklyn. Both expect Bayley to retain the Women’s Championship. Both expect wins to Apollo Crews and Asuka.
Rob noted that Daniel Bryan has said that he will go to see another doctor and if that doctor doesn’t clear him, he will retire.
Competition – 157.42.
Score & Review
7.5 out 10: The interview with a Diana Hart Smith as someone who comes from a famous wrestling family offered some very interesting insight in her life growing up. However, she did tend to go off topic often so at some points the interview was hard to follow. James did his best to steer the interview back on topic and was very polite about it.
I agree that the MSG Special was better than an episode of Raw, but not as good as Beast in the East. The best match of the night was Owens vs. Jericho and premise of the Divas match didn’t make much sense.
I also agree with James that WWE could produce more of these types of shows that are exclusively to the Network and cut down on the number of PPVs per year. This would make both the Network Specials and PPVs seem more unique and allows for more time to develop solid storylines between PPVs which is not being done now.
Overall, I thought this episode was quite enjoyable and the review of the MSG Special was very in-depth. Even though the review of Raw was shorter and not as in-depth, it reflects to poor quality of a show Raw has become and is something is dire need of fixing.
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