Bram was recently interviewed by Art of Wrestling and talked about his time in the DCC, The Ascension, NXT, and more. Here are the highlights:
If he thought the DCC should have lasted longer:
“We all had fun in the DCC. Storm and Kingston are close amigos of mine so us teaming together was awesome, super easy and fun. I´d like to have kept going with it, but that´s outta my hands.”
His thoughts on NXT:
“I sometimes catch up on it when I´m not busy. A lot of my friends are there now so I like to see what they’re up to. It’s obviously huge compared to when I was there. It´s a hell of a product and the talent is top notch! It´s always a good thing making the developmental system more of a platform to get exposure and make money.”
Why The Ascension didn’t work on the main roster:
“The Ascension was cool and I am glad I was a part of the early stages I am still close with both guys, Konnor and Viktor. I wish them nothing but the best and success. What we did and what is on TV now is a completely different product to what we were doing when I was part of it, so I can´t really comment. However, they are on TV and making money so to me that is still a successful endeavor.”
His recent Noah suspension:
“Me and Robbie E were asked to come over to Japan to take part in the Global Tag League. Me and Robbie were killing it as a team over there and had great matches. I love Japan and the style and I was excited to have the opportunity to go over there and wrestle for Noah. Their office is great and the boys were great to us. I loved it! However one evening as a joke I lay on an ice cream fridge and took a picture, which I put on my Instagram account. I was trying to be funny and meant no harm, I had no idea it would upset people, no idea!
I publicly apologized for the incident to the media but it was too late, NOAH suspeneded me due to the picture. I hope one day I can return to Noah and finish what I started. I like it there. The relationship between NOAH and Impact is completely fine and there´s no hard feelings. I just had no idea it would be such a bad thing and honestly meant it only to be funny. I´m hoping once the dust settles I can go back because I know they liked me.”
His favorite woman wrestler:
“I can’t say I watch a lot of women´s wrestling but I will watch if Ashley is on. Without sounding bias, Charlotte Flair, (Ashley) is my ultimate favorite. She´s the best in the world when it comes to women’s wrestling. Hell, she´s stepping on the dude’s toes too! She has so much natural charisma, it´s effortless to her. It´s like she´s been doing it forever and she´s only been doing it for a handful of years. I love watching her work.”
For the full interview with Bram, check out Art of Wrestling.
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