Roman Reigns was a guest on Sportscenter to promote Raw and talked about his Universal Title match at SummerSlam. The topic of a potential Shield reunion came up, and he gave his thoughts on whether he’d like to see it happen (transcription via WrestlingInc.):
“Hopefully in the near future maybe. Not only to prolong my career maybe, because it does take it out of you running into those meatballs (his SummerSlam opponents of Samoa Joe, Brock Lesnar, and Braun Strowman) for 30 minutes at a time, but there’s just some kind of magic when the three of us get together and we’re just moving on all cylinders. It always seems to be a great time for the crowd.”
He was also asked why he hasn’t been involved in the Dean Ambrose/Seth Rollins angle so far:
“The main thing for me right now, I’ve been in that Universal Title picture. You can ask Seth or Dean, if they were able to be in that same situation, that’s what you go for. You want to have that top title, and that’s definitely it.
For more quotes from the interview, check out WrestlingInc.
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