Big Vito was a recent guest on the Duke Loves Rasslin podcast and talked about CTE in professional wrestling. Here are the highights they sent along:
On his Take A Knee For CTE Campaign:
“In today’s world some people need to take a stand. And with everything happening, I’m taking a stand for my brothers, my fallen brothers, guys who are out there today banging heads in the Pro Wrestling World. And I’m taking a Knee for CTE to help protect everyone out there and bring awareness that there is something going on with concussions and if you don’t take the proper precautions it can be very detrimental to yourself.”
On How CTE is Affecting Him Personally
“People can say we’re fakes and phonies. They can say this is a money thing. But you know what? You don’t wake up every morning feeling how I feel. You don’t dream what I dream. You have the nightmares, the violence, the outbursts. Every night I have not just one but several nightmares. I deal with headaches every day. So I’m here to bring awareness and sticking up for all of the wrestlers who are going through the same thing.”
On Wrestlers Afraid to Speak Up
“One thing I can tell you is it’s,WWE CTE Lawsuit, taboo. Guys are afraid to speak out on it because they are waiting for someone to call them for one last run. Guys, we’re being exploited by not being paid royalties from a certain place. We’re not compensated in a manner that we should be.”
For the full interview with Big Vito, check out the Duke Loves Rasslin podcast.
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