NotSam Podcast
Release Date: August 13th, 2018
Recap By: James Hayes
Sam welcomes you to the show!
Sam is over at the WWE Performance Center but he won’t tell us why until next week.
This week we get the big Wade Barrett interview. He’s got a show on Netflix called Beastmaster. Sam says he could still be in WWE but he has chosen another path. Sam will get into where he has been and what has he been doing. Sam: It’s a rare story that a guy leaves and does not get back in the ring because he says he’s going to do movies or TV. I thought you were leaving money on the table. But then I starting seeing you popping up in trailers. Then I thought “He’s actually doing this.” You have to be happy with the way your career is going because it was a risk.
Lets get to it!
Here are the major takeaways from the interview
Why did Wade decide to leave?
“It was a risk. But I had to take it. I would hate to portray this as some master-plan to get out of WWE and make some movies. I was utterly miserable wrestling and needed to get away. I left money on the table because I had offers from WWE and every other major wrestling promotion. I left because I did not want to wrestle at that moment and time. Once I got that in my head it was easy to walk away. The question was what to do next. Looking back at some acting I had done I thought I really enjoyed that and had some contacts in the UK, through work I’d done with WWE Studios. Fortunately a script called “I Am Vengeance” came about and that’s what I’m here to all about. It comes out tomorrow in theatrical releases in about 10 markets across the US. I am really thrilled where things are now.”
The Problem with WWE
“I was at a real crossroads. I realize I’m young enough to do something else. Part of the problem with WWE it’s a 275 nights year and even on your day off you are doing promotions. Nothing ill ever change once you’re in that world, in that goldfish bowl. In 2014, film offers would come in for me, television offers would come in for me, sponsorships would come in for me, and they were all turned down by WWE because they would involve me being taken away from their show. It would involve me shooting for 4 weeks, or 2 weeks, even just 2 days to film commercials. I knew if I wanted to do something the only way was by first stepping away from WWE. Then I figure out how to make contacts in the film world.”
A Leap of Faith
“The feedback I got from directors while i did stuff with WWE Studios were positive. Reviews were positive. And that emails came in about me doing stuff while I was in WWE. It didn’t mean I didn’t take a leap of faith, that they would want me after I left WWE. I’m no longer Wade Barrett. I always knew in the back of my head that if it didn’t work out that I could accept an offer from TNA or Japan. I knew there was money to be made. I knew I wouldn’t starve.”
The Good Guy
“This project. It was a dream gig. I was pinching myself thinking these guys have got to be leading me up the alley here. I couldn’t believe it at first until three months later we are shooting it. It’s the first time in my creative life that I’ve been portrayed as the good guy. In WWE I was the bad guy, in my previous two movies I was the bad guy. It was a twist for me. It was the exact right project for me at the time.”
Working with Netflix and CM Punk
“I am hosting a show for Netflix that got released August 31st. It’s called “Ultimate Beastmaster”. It’s very close to “American Ninja Warrior” in that’s it’s a big obstacle course. I am hosting for the UK team and CM Punk, who you may have heard of, he had a bit of success in wrestling too, will be hosting for the US team. It’s a bunch of nations from around the world. It’s been fun.”
Pro Wrestling vs. Filmmaking
“From wrestling you go out there, you’re live, you do it, and pretty much you are forgetting about it by the next day. It’s always instant. We got this in the can and I thought someone just needs to glue the scenes together in appropriate order then it would be out in 3 months. Obviously, I didn’t know the film industry too well. The process of getting something in the can and getting it out there is excruciating. You want it out there as soon as you’re finished. Pro wrestling you are responsible for what you put out there. You know the live crowd will see it or the live to show will. In film you are a small part in it. Even though I’m the lead. The lighting, sound, and editing guys have to their part. It’s a new element of team work. There is a element of faith. Little tweaks here and there always happen. Luckily, I’m working with people who are making me look like a star.”
Fake Fighting vs. Film Fighting
“I’m confident enough to call wrestling fake fighting. The film fighting style was the hardest of all. I have a skill in simulated fighting that I bring but then when you get to the film set it’s different. In wrestling there are 10 cameras on you and people are watching at a 360 degree angle. In film it’s one camera shooting one part of the fight. Or it’s shooting maybe 4 seconds of the fight. Each punch has to be precise so the lighting guy gets it, the camera guy, your foot needs to be in the right place. All the timing must be right. It is just the most exact, precise, movement and it’s almost like ballet.”
How Wrestling Prepared Him
“In pro wrestling things change all the time in front of a audience. You learn to go with the flow. I am usually the most calm person on set. Actors who are not use to that kind of change… I always go with it easy. Figure it out then and there in a flash.”
How it’s all the same
“I may have to land in a spot 20 times in a row. Because of the boom, or lighting, or camera blurring. I’m still taking bumps. And we may have 5 more scenes that day. Two days in and everything’s hurting.”
The Benefit To Hiring a Wrestler To Act
“No stunt double for you. They expect you to do the stunts. That’s part of the attraction. Save money on stunt doubles. “Hey, you’re doing all your own stunts in this.” They all believe, “That’s what you do, right?”
How His Passion Died
“People in boardrooms are making decisions disadvantageous to where I wanted to be. I was also lacking any creative control. Even in basic things like what I wear to the ring. Or could say on the mic. Little tweaks. I was not getting much back when I had request to improve things. I saw the writing on the wall. On top of that besides climbing into the main event and being World Champ I’m not sure what my others goals would be. I had done everything at that point. I worked with every guy. Besides that there as nothing else, besides pay. I was going through the motions for pay.”
Ever Coming Back?
“I need variety and balance in my life. I will always have a piece of me that loves pro wrestling, and wants to be involved in some capacity. I will never go back to being on the road 270 nights a year. A full time wrestler with nothing else? I like having balance in my life. The older I got the more I appreciate balance in my life and once you taste that it’s hard to ever give up. It was hard to relax then. I like going to work 4 or 5 weeks of shooting, then 2 weeks to relax, and go to the gym, or be with my girlfriend. It’s nice to have these intense periods, but also intense periods of relaxation. Seeing the people you love, which I never got to do before.”
Becky and Charlotte Fantasy Booking
Sam feels the two should be in a cage match. A rubber match at “Evolution” in a cage would be great. He compared Hogan and Flair to Charlotte and Becky. In the sense that everything being said about the baby face is true. Macho was justified in his anger at Hogan flirting with his wife. Becky is right that Charlotte should step aside so Becky can shine. The problem is Charlotte is still well liked. And so is Becky. Macho was able to get heel heat because he treat Elizabeth badly. He was clearly the heel. Sam feels Charlotte should have someone interfere with the match and help Charlotte win. The key is that Charlotte never asked for the help. It keeps Charlotte babyface. Becky does not get the title and slowly you can turn her face again, because now she wants revenge at he heel who injected themselves into her title match.
Maybe the IIconics interfere setting up a first round for the women’s tag team match.
(I don’t think Charlotte is more popular that Becky or Ronda. Also why would The IIconics get involved? I am also against any scenario that does not end with Becky as champ. Charlotte does not have to always have a world title. She has her Dad’s gimmick. Lets see if she can stay relevant without the title. She has kind of failed up to this point. Also Charlotte is better as a heel. Her height makes it hard to see her as a baby face fighting from underneath.)
State of Wrestling
5. Top Factions of all time!
Hulk Hogan’s Instagram mentioned a NWO reunion. It’s for a autograph signing. He said that the NWO would kill The Shield. If it happened today no way. If it happened back then NWO wins, because they have Virgil. The real question is what is the best faction of all time? WWE put a list out of the ten best.
The list:
10.Undisputed Era. 9. Freebirds 8. Nexus 7. Hart Foundation (1997) 6. New Day 5. Evolution 4. New World Order 3. DX 2. Four Horsemen 1. The Shield????
Sam feels The Shield have not been around long enough for this spot. In fact he does not agree with most of this list.
Download the podcast at the link above to get Sam’s Top Ten Faction list.
4. Pentagon and Phoenix coming to NXT
Sam hopes it happens sooner or later. Maybe to 205.
3. Renee on Raw
Sam loves Renee in this spot. She brings something extra to the table. He feels she is already great and she’ll get better and better. Sam says she represents the new generation. (Hard to disagree. She rarely disappoints.)
2. Mick Foley
Foley looks great and can still cut a killer promo. Sam is happy to see him back on Raw.
1. Hell in a Cell
Sam breaks down the big show. (This will post after the PPV and I can tell you it’s worth checking out.)
Rating: 7 out of 10
Overall Observations:
Fine show. Well paced with a rare interview from Wade and some interesting fantasy booking.
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