The Art of Wrestling with Colt Cabana
Episode 292 – Missy Hyatt
Release Date: March 10, 2016
Report by Chris Davidson
Hot Topics
-Missy Hyatt offers a look back on her long wrestling career
-Missy Hyatt switches things up and interviews Colt Cabana
-Colt Cabana details making a girl cry during a show in Canada
0:00 – Introduction
8:56 – Song of the Week
11:57 – Missy Hyatt Interview
16:26 – Hyatt talks war reenactments and wrestling outfits
22:15 – Hyatt talks getting into wrestling
32:55 – Hyatt talks WWE
39:08 – Hyatt interviews Colt about NOAH and hardcore wrestling
46:46 – Hyatt interviews Colt about Japan and his career
58:26 – Hyatt and Colt wrap up
1:02:23 – Colt wraps up the show
1:06:10 – Easter egg clip
0:00 – Introduction – Colt opened the show talking about the great weather in Chicago. Colt talked about Missy Hyatt, specifically about reading her book when he was trying to read more a while back. Hyatt wanted to ask Colt a few questions, and Colt said he tried to turn them back on her. Colt prefers to sit around talking for about 40 minutes, and he doesn’t call the talks “interviews” because he is not a journalist. Hyatt is marrying Dick Justice in the ring this week, which led Colt to bring up weddings in WWE, and he sang a bit of a Jagged Edge song he remembers from a WWE wedding. Colt brought up last week’s “controversy” where he made a girl who he though was over 18. The girl was cussing at him, so he made a joke about them making love later, which made her cry because she was much younger than he thought. Colt briefly discussed swearing at wrestling shows, and feeling bad when there are children in the audience. Colt told a story of swearing at a wrestling show as a kid and getting in trouble. Colt segued into talking about conventions, which he called “depressing” and said he would likely stop doing in the near future, before realizing he’s already booked a few in upcoming months.
8:56 – Song of the Week – The song of the week this week is “Make You Humble” by Eat the Turnbuckle.
11:57 – Missy Hyatt Interview – Colt opened the interview saying that Hyatt was very prepared, and Hyatt said that she doesn’t do podcasts because she would rather ask the questions. Hyatt has a few questions for Colt, which he plans on turning into conversation. Colt brought up that, after he interviewed Dave Meltzer, she sent Colt a lot of old wrestling artifacts. Hyatt got into wrestling at 17 when she saw the Freebirds on TV. Hyatt said that she is a geek, and before she was into wrestling, she was into World War II. Hyatt joked that she is Jewish, but she’s thinking about becoming a Scientologist.
16:26 – Hyatt talks war reenactments and wrestling outfits – Hyatt mentioned that she was going to miss a battle next week, because she does Civil War Reenacting. Hyatt sews her own dresses, and Colt mentioned that he also sews his own gear, which he can fall back on if his wrestling career ends. Hyatt talked about the gear she put together for John Tatum, and other wrestling gear from the 1980s. Colt asked about Eddie Gilbert. Hyatt said that he would have been a great booker and that she enjoyed talking wrestling with him. Colt said that he likes that Hyatt is beautiful, but loves talking about wrestling instead of hair and makeup. Hyatt called herself a “girly-girl,” and dressing up in war reenactments gives her a chance to wear fun clothes.
22:15 – Hyatt talks getting into wrestling – Colt asked if Hyatt went to college. Hyatt graduated in 2001 with a degree in Psychology and works as a counselor at a homeless day center full-time. After seeing the Freebirds at 17, Hyatt started hanging out with a friend who talked about wrestling and they started going to shows. Her friend introduced her to Florida wrestling, whereas Hyatt wanted to see Georgia wrestling. Hyatt asked a female wrestler how she got into it, but Hyatt didn’t want to wrestle, she just wanted to be involved. Hyatt was living with Jake “The Snake” Roberts when she saw Sunshine on World Class Championship Wrestling and realized she wanted to be a manager. Hyatt’s first “in” to wrestling was when she met John Tatum. Colt asked how Hyatt’s parents felt about her getting into wrestling, and she said they thought she was crazy, and didn’t like it until she got on TV in Pensacola, her home town. Hyatt went from Florida, to North Carolina, to Texas, where she became Tatum’s manager. Hyatt got in trouble early on because she was laughing in the ring, rather than focusing on playing her role. Hyatt brought up loving the crowd, and using her in ring experience to help her present to children with her reenacting.
32:55 – Hyatt talks WWE – Colt asked about Missy’s Manor. Hyatt said the show, which was to replace Piper’s Pit, was a disaster, but working in WWE was a dream. Hyatt got the call from Vince McMahon directly to come work for WWE, but she had never interviewed people, and didn’t even know how to pass off a microphone. Hyatt talked about her accent, and said the failure of Missy’s Manor weighed on her because she wanted to work at WrestleMania. Hyatt turned down a position taking jackets as a Federette, but turned it down and was let go. After she was let go, Hyatt “slunked back” to Dallas, Texas to ask Jim Crockett and Dusty Rhodes for a job. Hyatt joked that it was hard because she had said she was going to WWF to get a doll (action figure), but Dusty was awesome to rehire her. Hyatt had gone with Eddie Gilbert, who turned down the job to be the assistant booker in UWF.
39:08 – Hyatt interviews Colt about NOAH and hardcore wrestling – Hyatt asked Colt how he got approached to work for NOAH. Hyatt watches all kinds of wrestling, and she really enjoys NOAH’s product. Colt briefly detailed going from ROH to WWE to NOAH, where he has been for 5 years. Hyatt joked that she has 22 questions, so she’s only going to ask a few. She followed up asking Colt’s thoughts on Lance Hoyt’s tramp stamp and discussed her tattoos. Colt commended Hoyt for getting a lot of back tattoos so it doesn’t look like a tramp stamp. Hyatt asked about Iizuka’s “steel finger” gimmick. Colt didn’t have an answer, but speculated that Iizuka needed something exciting in the ring.
Colt asked about weird gimmicks Hyatt remembered from the past, and she remembered a manager who carried a golf club. Hyatt asked if Colt ever considered doing the “IWA Mid-South Blood and Guts style” early in his career, to which he replied he had not, but he did wrestle in Mid America Wrestling’s Hardcore Cup. Colt compared his aversion to steroids to his aversion to hardcore wrestling. Hyatt asked how well guys (specifically Necro Butcher) get paid for their style of wrestling, and Colt didn’t have a direct answer, but said it’s based on star power like anything else. Hyatt talked about Eddie Gilbert, and how she didn’t like when he would get bloodied up night after night. Hyatt called Terry Funk the king of hardcore wrestling at that time.
46:46 – Hyatt interviews Colt about Japan and his career – Hyatt asked if Colt has any sponsors in Japan, and he briefly talked about how nice his sponsors are. Hyatt asked if Captain NOAH is less annoying than Captain New Japan. Colt does not know Captain New Japan well, and said Captain NOAH is the nicest man in the world. Hyatt asked if Matt Classic would make a comeback, and Colt said he is still around before talking about Lucha Va Voom. Hyatt asked is Colt had ever wrestled Johnny Saint, which he called one of the greatest experiences of his life. Colt asked about British wrestlers coming over during her career, and she talked about William Regal’s style. Hyatt asked how Colt puts together matches in a different language. Colt replied that it takes over an hour to put together a ten minute match, but it works.
Colt asked about foreign wrestlers in the different locker rooms she is in, and she remembered The Great Muta and Kabuki, but never talked to Muta because as a woman in the locker room, she sat in a chair facing the wall. Hyatt liked Kabuki and joked about once asking if he had an “ancient Chinese secret.” Hyatt’s final question was whether Colt can call the match in NOAH while in the ring or if it needs to be laid out ahead of time. Colt said that comedy plays a role, so he tries to put in spaces to riff on moves and interact with the crowd. Colt talked more about getting kids involved in matches, so they can have a fun memory of the show. Hyatt, as a heel, remembered making fans hate her and making memories that way.
58:26 – Hyatt and Colt wrap up – Colt asked if there are any men that hang around to sleep with the female talent. Hyatt joked that there aren’t any male “rats” and that she was the only one who wasn’t married to another wrestler. Hyatt joked that her Prince Charming is out there, but on a “slow turtle” rather than a white horse. Hyatt plugged her Twitter and talked about dieting. Hyatt talked about her upcoming events, although she is doing less since it is becoming more of a hassle. Colt thanked her and ended the interview.
1:02:23 – Colt wraps up the show – Colt joked that Missy loves the war because of how upset she was to miss her reenactment. Colt said comedy and wrestling are his reenacting and joked that he might make longboards and sell them out of his closet. Colt plugged his website, social media, and upcoming events, then thanked Missy Hyatt, his tech help and sponsors. Colt talked about seeing the chiropractor and asked for solutions to help drain his shower, then signed off.
1:06:10 – Easter Egg Clip – Colt had Michael Michael Motorcycle and the Evan Bombs (a punk rock band) say that they want him to interview Bam Bam Bigelow, and Colt said that would be a little rough, ending the episode.
Score: 8.2 – Despite not seeming to know each other very well, Missy Hyatt and Colt Cabana delivered another solid, breezy episode of the Art of Wrestling. Between Hyatt’s interesting perspective on her time in wrestling to the nice twist of Hyatt interviewing Colt, this episode was very fun to listen to. There were a few minor audio issues, but it sounded like Hyatt simply wasn’t speaking into the microphone and Colt had to remind her. Regardless, this was another great episode of the Art of Wrestling for fans of old school territory wrestling, or those just getting into podcasts looking to learn a little bit more about Colt Cabana.
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