The Art of Wrestling with Colt Cabana
Episode 296 – Silas Young
Release Date: April 7, 2016
Report by Chris Davidson
-Silas Young career retrospective
-Cabana recaps WrestleMania Weekend experiences
0:00 – Introduction
7:19 – Song of the Week
11:14 – Silas Young Interview
18:50 – Silas Young talks traveling and almost going to WWE
24:36 – Silas Young talks aging and starting in wrestling
33:25 – Silas Young talks WWE and other opportunities
42:51 – Silas Young talks young life and becoming like his father
49:27 – Silas Young talks his current work and the future
1:00:04 – Colt wraps up the show
0:00 – Introduction – Colt opened the show commenting that his voice is almost gone after a busy weekend in Dallas during WrestleMania. Colt praised Silas Young as someone who, as soon as he saw him, he knew he could be a star if he stuck with wrestling. Colt reiterated that he wants fans to send him questions via voice memo for him to answer on the 300th episode. Colt re-debuted with Ring of Honor last weekend, and spoke about being contacted to return, finally deciding that it was time for him to go back to ROH. Colt talked about Wrestle Con and an inter-gender tag match he wrestled over the weekend.
7:19 – Song of the Week – The song of the week this week is “Jumpin’ Jim” by Mark Stary.
11:14 – Silas Young Interview – Colt opened the interview joking about Young eating a Snickers bar with a protein shake, which Young said was due to smoking too much marijuana. Young discussed marijuana as a better alternative to popping pills, and discussed the legality of marijuana in different areas, citing it as a tax benefit. Colt asked about Young’s tours of Canada, including one that was supposed to have 17 shows, and ended up only having 2 because of mistakes made by the promoter, Darkchild. Young and Colt joked about running shows in spaces that are too big for the amount of fans, and talked about traveling.
18:50 – Young talks traveling and almost going to WWE – Young drove around to work around the country, but did a poor job of networking. Eventually, he was offered a WWE contract with OVW, but when developmental moved to FCW, they did not choose to take his contract. Young was “bummed out” because of loving wrestling and having his opportunity with WWE yanked out from under him, and he stopped traveling for shows. Young credited wrestling as where he met his wife and where he got into the culture to get a job as a personal trainer.
24:36 – Young talks aging and starting in wrestling – Both men discussed getting older, and having told themselves years before that they would get a real job before they turned 30, and Colt joked that his fall-back at 35 was go to Hollywood. Young talked about his goals, which he is finally fulfilling by traveling to Europe. Colt remembered wrestlers that he saw starting out who were older, and bitter that they didn’t get a break in the business. Young got into wrestling by showing up to wrestling shows, and started training with one trainer, until he realized his trainer was weird, then he started training with Mike Mercury. Young discussed training classes throughout Minnesota and the first time they met.
33:25 – Young talks WWE and other opportunities – Colt asked if Young was ever on TV. Young made some appearances on Sunday Night Heat and similar shows, but never did anything substantial. Young didn’t really have a plan for wrestling before WWE, but was hoping that he could get into WWE. Colt talked about the end of OVW, mentioning Young was one of the last few to try out for OVW. Young talked about his motivation in wrestling, and why he is willing to take opportunities, rather than skip on long drives. Young said that jumping at opportunities can sometimes upset his wife, but she is still supportive, and talked about EVOLVE as some of the chances he had to get his name out, even for a bad payday. Young told a story about trying to get to a show for EVOLVE where he tried to get a flight, but was unable to, and ended up not going to show because the pay would have been too low. Shortly thereafter, Young wrestled a WWE dark match against Michael Elgin.
42:51 – Young talks young life and becoming like his father – Young changed his look from a long-haired, bearded man to being basically his father, a firefighter and a man’s man with a mustache and slicked back hair. Young spoke about his father, and told a story of his dad getting mad at one of his friends to the point of throwing the kid against his house. Colt mentioned those “scary” moments when he looks in the mirror and realizes he looks like his dad, and joked Young is intentionally becoming his dad. Young speculated that we don’t like looking like our parents because we want to be 10 years old together. Colt applauded Young for having a gimmick that is easy to pin down, but also very adaptable to a variety of wrestling styles. Young joked about Darkchild’s alleged cage match record, and segued into wrestlers who were too early for the MMA boom.
49:27 – Young talks his current work and the future – Young said that people who are younger than he and Colt have a lot of great opportunities in America, with WWE, TNA, ROH, Lucha Underground, and the independent scene. Colt mentioned pay, and Young said there likely isn’t anyone getting rich off of anything outside WWE. Young talked about his current work in ROH, and talked about some of his opinions about politics and wrestling. Young said he gets bothered when people ask his to watch them and give feedback, but then they don’t use his advice. Young went in depth on his training philosophy and how he likes to help people with their ring skills. Young closed the interview with a brief story about teaching his son to ski, and his parenting philosophy.
1:00:04 – Colt wraps up the show – Colt said it was fun talking to Silas Young, and plugged the voice memo questions for the 300th episode. Colt plugged his website, social media, and upcoming events, then thanked Silas Young, his tech help and sponsors. Colt brought up Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn making their WrestleMania debut, and Zack Ryder winning the Intercontinental Title, and encouraged listeners to go back and listen to their episodes before signing off.
5.5: This week’s episode of the Art of Wrestling was entertaining. However, there were a lot of spots where the audio dropped out almost entirely, typically when Silas Young was talking. There have been similar glitches in recent weeks, but this was by far the worst. It was still possible to enjoy the episode, but it was difficult in parts. While the interview on a whole was enjoyable, it didn’t seem to progress very far, and kept going back to Young’s time training in Minnesota, or otherwise hitting similar notes without breaking any new ground. Near the end of the episode, Young started to give more opinions and “philosophies” on different topics, and I think letting him rant for an entire episode would have been more interesting. Colt joked with Young that maybe they should have gotten some alcohol in him before the interview and, while I don’t know that it would have made for a great episode, it may have been more enjoyable.
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