The Art of Wrestling with Colt Cabana
Episode 314 – Edinburgh Fringe Live
Release Date: August 18, 2016
Report by Chris Davidson
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– The Art of Wrestling Live features Kid Fite, Ari Shaffir, John Robertson, and Chris Renfrew.
– Colt Cabana talks about shilling for his live shows, and offending Irish fans.
0:00 – Introduction
6:08 – First Guest: Kid Fite
21:02 – Second Guest: Ari Shaffir
38:35 – Third Guest: John Robertson
50:22 – Fourth Guest: Chris Renfrew
1:03:16 – Colt wraps up the show
1:05:29 – Easter Egg
0:00 – Introduction – Colt opened the show butchering the pronunciation of his own name, but quickly joked it off. Colt plugged his merch, and joked that he was out of extra-large t-shirts. Colt noted that this episode is the last live show he recorded at the Fringe Festival, and talked about the odd crowds who had been showing up to his live shows. Colt apologized for referring to a cop car as a “paddy wagon” because it offended some Irish fans. Colt told a story about inviting people to his show, and passersby being intrigued when he invited them to watch bad wrestling. Colt was about to invite his first guest to the stage, when he noticed he had stepped to the bathroom.
6:08 – First Guest: Kid Fite – Kid Fite came out to a rousing ovation, and joked that he may not have washed his hands. Kid Fite mentioned the comedian Colt had right before him, which Colt had previously said he had edited in later in the show. Colt asked Kid Fite about a chant he had heard during a match where Kid Fite was about to show his penis, that went “get your dick out for the lads”. Kid Fite said that this was a modified chant where football (soccer) fans chant for women to show their breasts.
Kid Fite talked about wrestlers exposing their penises during a match. Colt applauded the “progressive” attitude of showing his penis, and Kid Fite told him of all the other people who thought it was funny because it was so unexpected. Colt asked Kid Fite about his career, and Kid Fite talked about doing a summer camp tour for the last nine years. Kid Fite detailed the daily grind of doing the camps, and told some brief stories about his memories of various wrestlers he worked with. Kid Fite talked about there being no guarantees out on the road, and joked that he drinks too much and ends up taking his balls out. Kid Fite plugged his social media and left the stage.
21:02 – Second Guest: Ari Shaffir – Colt briefly recapped Kid Fite’s story about showing his penis during a match. Ari Shaffir joked that you should only show one ball, since that’s classy, and made a few more jokes about showing penises. Shaffir talked about his show, “This Is Not Happening,” and told a story about Mick Foley having trouble getting down some steps at his show. Shaffir also had Roddy Piper on his show, and briefly recapped an infamous story Piper told about Mr. Fuji feeding someone their dog at a barbeque.
Shaffir recalled meeting with Roddy Piper, and joked to Piper that some wrestling angles seem like a conflict of interest. Shaffir brought up the Iron Sheik, calling him a Persian Jew. Colt was taken aback at the Iron Sheik being Jewish, but Shaffir argued that he was Jewish based on his Jewish family that he had met. Colt joked that he has a new hero to aspire to. Shaffir talked about the Iron Sheik coming into the Comedy Store and shouting gibberish heckles at him before quickly leaving. Shaffir joked that the Iron Sheik was a little small to be the Intercontinental Champion, and said his gimmick would be much different today with ISIS. Colt asked if Shaffir had ever seen a fight at a comedy show, and whether anyone used any pro wrestling moves. Shaffir said no, but told a story about a brawl that broke out during a comedy set that he had to break up.
Colt asked Shaffir about watching live wrestling last year at the Fringe Festival. Shaffir said he’s missed it this year, and told a story about a group of comedians at an indy show in Toronto where the comedians basically took over the show. Shaffir joked about some other shows he had seem, and plugged his podcast and social media. Shaffir joked about an interview he had with a porn star, and Colt joked a bit more with Shaffir before Shaffir left the stage.
38:35 – Third Guest: John Robertson – Colt introduced John Robertson as a hit from last year’s live episode. Robertson joked that as he’s gotten older he’s turning into Ric Flair, mainly because he has no idea what he’s talking about anymore. Robertson segued into discussing Tully Blanchard and Dusty Rhodes’ booking styles. Colt called out Robertson’s bad Dusty Rhodes impression, which Robertson joked was actually gay Bob Dylan. Robertson joked about Jim Cornette and Vader and their opinions about modern wrestling. Robertson joked about Vader and Will Ospreay fighting over Twitter, and said that he’s a wrestling fan so he didn’t watch the match, just read the results.
Robertson joked about Vader being able to crush Ospreay, and Colt joked about once wrestling a little girl where he didn’t have to do anything, much like Vader in the mentioned match. Robertson asked, “What is Goldust meant to be now?” and joked that he was “black face from the future.” Robertson said that those weren’t real questions, but just punchlines with question marks. Robertson went off on a tangent that confused Colt, but they jcame back around to plug Robertson’s social media, website, and show at the Fringe Festival before leaving the stage.
50:22 – Fourth Guest: Chris Renfrew – Colt introduced Chris Renfrew, and Renfrew told a story about interviewing Colt when Renfrew was very drunk. Colt credited that interview as the reason he started the podcast because he no longer wanted to bother calling in to internet radio shows. Renfrew called the interview the worst thing they had ever done. Colt asked about Grado, and Renfrew said that he was the person who brought Grado to ICW, but they sometimes have issues. Renfrew said that Grado makes him laugh so he pushed him forward in ICW. Renfrew talked briefly about his issues with Grado, namely that he said he would stick around in ICW, but he then went to TNA for a few months.
Renfrew said that at the end of the day, they ended up having a great match. Renfrew said that he has been wrestling full-time since last year, but he’s been wrestling since 2004. Colt called Renfrew’s style “legit” even though he doesn’t look like a typical wrestler. Renfrew said that he gets to be himself, and called getting a dildo stuffed in his mouth one of the worst things he’s had to do. Renfrew told another short story, and plugged his social media.
1:03:16 – Colt wraps up the show – Colt thanked all of his guests and talked about his events while at the Fringe Festival, including his upcoming live episode tapings. Colt thanked his fans, his tech help and sponsors and ended the show
1:05:29 – Easter Egg – Colt played a clip of him botching his introduction to the podcast.
Score: 7.5 – This was another good live episode of the Art of Wrestling, and had a lot of very funny moments. Colt opened and closed with wrestlers, which helped to balance out the comedians. I wasn’t a huge fan of the long discussions about Kid Fite’s penis, but Colt was just asking about what interested him during his time in Scotland. Some of the accents were somewhat difficult to understand at times, with Colt even having issues understanding Chris Renfrew. All in all, this was another enjoyable episode for fans of the intersection of wrestling and comedy.
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