“Exotic” Adrian Street joined X-Pac in for a brand new episode of X-Pac 12360. Here are some of the highlights PWPodcasts was sent:
Sean on Seth at SCW 4:06- 4:31
“It was great! It was for a company called SCW and they use a lot of guys from Seth Rollins school and Seth Rollins showed up to watch the show… Jimbo says, “ That’s great that not only are you getting to be a student with someone who’s in WWE right now but that they’re on their off time they are willing to come to a show and see you wrestle and see if you’re learning from them.” X-Pac says, “Sure. I’d like to think he came to see me but I’m pretty sure it had something to do with all his students being there too.”
Sean losing Fanny pack 5:31- 6:50
“I flew in on a redeye right… a Redeye for those of you that don’t know is a flight that leaves the West Coast late at night and arrives on the East Coast early in the morning… For me personally, I get up from it (Redeye Flight) and I’m really groggy and I almost left like a jacket on the plane and things like that… I ended up losing my fanny pack with everything in it; wallet, phone, money, credit cards, I.D., EVERYTHING… in Chicago O’Hare Airport. And I went from, Terminal A to Terminal C… Terminal C back to Terminal B and I was pretty frantic at one point and then I just realized being frantic and panicked isn’t going to do a damn bit of good. I calmed down took a few… breathe in through the nose out through the mouth and low and behold I got my fanny pack back… Yeah man, it was a buzz killer.”
Adrian Street Happy NEVER Having an Action Figure 29:00-29:50
“I mean I’ve seen a number of… action figures of me that people have created like from a generic model but I’m so glad that I haven’t had any done as yet because after always being in the business fifty-seven years and all the rest of it… The fact that my movie is coming up (‘Adrian The Movie’ & ‘Adrian’. True story of pro-Welsh Wrestler Adrian Street. E:) after the movie will be a time where lots of souvenirs and my books and all those kind of things… are really going to get popular so the fact that there hasn’t been an action figure I’ve still got all that to look forward to even though I’m seventy-six years of age now.”
Adrian on Mach Man Randy Savage 56:53- 58:19
“I like Randy (Savage) and I got to like him and all the rest of it but like a lot of other wrestlers if he was hung for being a wrestler he would have died innocent because he can’t wrestle… if you notice in a lot of my contests with him (Randy Savage) and certain other wrestlers. Will use him as an example because that’s who we’re talking about… I would pretend that I was terrified of him. I would pretend that I was freighted of him… He’d chase me out of the ring I’d even grab Linda (Adrian’s Valet Miss Linda) put Linda in harm’s way between Randy and myself. To really sell the fact to the people like whoa ho ho … this Randy Savage has got Adrian Streets number, we’ve seen Adrian Street beat people up, turn them inside out, outside in and all the rest of it. I could have beaten Randy Savage the best day of his life in about one minute… It’ll only take me until I actually got hold of him. But the thing is how exciting would that be?… It would show Randy up and everything like that. I knew that I had a program with him that it was going to last I don’t know maybe a couple of months or something like that so I needed to make the most of.”
Stream it on YouTube: https://youtu.be/z-7d
And if you want an in-depth recap of the episode on PWPodcasts, click here.
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