Cody Rhodes was recently interviewed by SEScoops and talked about a variety of subjects. Here are the highlights they sent along:
Making Another List: “I wish I could get the Roderick Strong match [the only thing he didn’t accomplish on the first list], maybe I’ll just put him on the next list you know? Somebody told me that I should do another list and I was like ‘well sequels aren’t always so great’ but the reality is I think I’m gonna do another list now, maybe put it out on the same day.”
Cody’s Own Personal Four Horsemen: Rey Mysterio, Randy Orton, Big Show and then a toss-up between Damien Sandow and Wade Barrett.
His Status with Ring of Honor: “If I sign with ROH, EVERYBODY will know, I’ll damn sure make sure of that. It’s ongoing, I said that, I shouldn’t of said it because we still don’t have a clue (laughs) as far as my and my wife (Brandi Rhodes) and what we want to do. The idea of settling down is more an idea of ‘here is where I’ve been and here is what i’ve seen, so here is where I’d like to stay.’ You come in somewhere as a one time guy and you see something really special you think ‘I want to be part of that,’ those are the places you know? Now not all those places work together. I really stand against exclusivity in wrestling at a level beneath WWE, or not beneath WWE but at a level that is not WWE, because exclusivity…you’re hurting yourself. Most of the people that come into that locker room, 90% are adults, professionals, business men and women and they know how to cross these streams without disrespecting either brand, any brand. So when it comes to me and talking exclusivity, I don’t know, it takes a lot. Brandi just wants the money (laughs), I’m kidding.”
Ryback & Terminator 2: “Ryback has never actually seen the original Terminator movie. He didn’t know there was one, he legitimately thought that it was called Terminator 2 because there were two Terminators. Yea, yea me and Daniel Bryan had a very good time with that one. Very good time.”
The Ryback Terminator anecdote doesn’t surprise me. Ryback strikes me as being legitimately dense, dumb, and ignorant. Through his promos, real life interviews, table for three appearance, and stories like this, he comes across as a real dunce.