On the latest episode of the Dinner With The King podcast, Jerry Lawler recalled the night Owen Hart died at the Over the Edge pay-per-view. Here is what they sent along:
Lawler on the incident being 18 years ago (6:09 mark of the show):
“It just seems hard to believe it’s been 18 years since that night. Because that night is still so vivid in my mind.
For some reason, I was looking around as the promo was playing. I glanced up and was looking around. And as the promo was going, I just saw something. I couldn’t say that I saw it; saw Owen actually fall. I just saw a blur.”
Lawler on rushing to Hart’s side (11:30 mark of the show):
“Once your heart is no longer beating anymore, I could just see his face turn gray, from the tip of his nose all the way down his face as the blood was settling in his body. I knew, I realized that moment right then, that Owen was gone.”
For the full interview, which revolves around Owen Hart, check out Dinner With The King.
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