Jinder Mahal was recently interviewed by Metro and talked about his run as WWE Champion, his release from the company a couple years ago, and more. Here are the highlights:
If he was thinking of quitting the business after his release:
“I think it got misconstrued a little bit, I wasn’t going to quit wrestling, I would never quit wrestling as long as I can wrestle, but I wasn’t going to pursue it as my main career. I was exploring other options, other businesses, I was in fact going to open up a Subway franchise, but I decided I’m too young, I’m not even in my prime yet, and if I give this my all, give it my best one more time, I could make it top the top. Which I did, I gave it my all, and now I’m WWE Champion.”
If being in better shape has helped his push:
“Definitely it has been a big part, my goal has been to come back better at everything, in better shape, better in the ring, better promos on the microphone… just constantly improving is the main key. It is my goal to become better and better, I’m WWE Champion now, but the hard work doesn’t stop here. It starts here.”
Being a part of the Andre the Giant battle royal:
“It was a great opportunity, a tremendous moment and a moment that really got a lot of press. Not just from media here in the USA but all over the world, a lot of eyes were seeing Jinder Mahal. It was great. I believe I would have won if it wasn’t for Gronk, so I still have a bone to pick with him! All in all it was a great experience, I think Gronk one day when he’s done with football could definitely become a WWE superstar and I look forward to that possibility, because we have some unfinished business.”
What he has to do to establish himself as a World Champion in the eyes of fans:
“I don’t think anybody was expecting me to become WWE Champion, but that’s the great thing with WWE, the unexpected happens. I think that’s why a lot of people tune in because you never really know what is going to happen in WWE. As far as establishing myself as a champion, I do think I need to beat as many challengers as possible, whether that’s A.J. Styles, whether that’s Kevin Owens, Shinsuke Nakamura, John Cena, or even Brock Lesnar! I think as many different people I can beat – Roman Reigns would be a great opponent – putting on great matches, main evening many pay-per-views, just building a body of work.
It’s a long term thing, it doesn’t happen overnight, I know I have a lot of years left in my career, I’m only 30-years-old right now and I know I haven’t even hit my peak yet or hit my prime. I look forward to a lot of years main eventing many pay-per-views and putting on many great performances against great performers.”
For the full interview with Jinder Mahal, check out Metro.
Also, check out Jinder’s thoughts on the 3MB, his childhood hero, and more.
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