Heated Conversations with Booker T
Release Date: August 11, 2018
Recap by: James Hayes
Booker and Co-host Brad Gilbert invite you to the show.
“It’s gonna be on, like a steaming pot of neck bones.” Booker T Quote of the Week
The guys are super excited because tonight Booker T’s promotion Reality of Wrestling will deliver it’s premier show Summer of Champions 5. It takes place at Booker T World Gym Arena.
All championships are on the line. Brad says it will be goot. He says that catchphrase is catching on. Booker says he also came up with the phrase: Do you smell what I’m cooking? It was stolen from him by some guy. He won’t call out the guy’s name.
Booker put out a call to anyone listening. “If you want to be part of Reality of Wrestling reach out to us. Everyone starts at the bottom and works his way up. Brad Gilbert did the same. Join the movement!”
Out of all the matches what is Booker most excited to see? Rex Andrews vs. Gino. These guys have been with him for years. He has watched them grow and tried to keep them apart on purpose just so they could make this night special. He remembers Gino getting in trouble and Booker received a call from one of his cop friends. Booker told Gino if he ever gets in trouble again he is out of the school. He reminds Booker of himself. When he was a teen he was always in trouble until Mr. Gattis, his school’s band leader, made him a drum major and it gave him humility and growth. It changed his life.
NWO is in the house. Scott Norton will be in the house. He will be at the big show tonight. (Not here though?)
Brad asks Booker why he never joined the NWO. Stevie was there but not Booker. Booker remembers Kevin Nash coming up to him and saying the NWO needs some color. The group was still pretty small and they wanted to mix it up a bit. Booker was reluctant because the top guys Hogan, Hall, and Nash were at the PPV. But all the lesser guys worked all the house shows. They were working too much for Booker. He also wanted to be a solo act. He wanted to stand out on his own.
Back from break we hear Billly Idol’s “Eyes Without a Face”. (Great song)
They continue with the selling of Summer of Champions 5. The show has sold out already. It’s looking to be a madhouse. Ayden Cristiano vs Mysterious Q is a best of 5 series. It’s for the Texas Championship. This has been a six month program for a title that was vacated. Back in the olden days you would find 6 month, sometimes 9 month programs with a single feud focus. Booker feels he has built a throw-back promotion. He references “All My Children” and “General Hospital” as big inspirations for the simple storytelling of ROW. Brad laughs at Booker’s love of soaps.
(Imagine Booker T getting in a fight with Stevie Ray, because he wants to watch the Knicks, but Booker has to see if Jack Abbott survived his car accident on “The Young and the Restless”.)
Booker goes on a random rant about Lana doing the spinerooni.
It’s his move. He invented it! He laughs and says he does not really mind. It’s part of his legend. He also feels he is starting to finally get his props as a wrestler. Brad asks if he felt he was not appreciated before. Booker says he recently saw a guy that had just discovered his match with Rick Martell and Perry Saturn. It is now the guy’s favorite match! “I appreciate the acknowledgment of my body of work.”
Speaking of his body of work it sometimes bothers him that people only remember him losing to Triple-H at WrestleMania. Not how good the match actually was. ‘That match was so dope. It was insane. I let it all hang out. I had forgot how great it was until I watched again. I rocked that.”
Brad wonders if Triple H gets the respect he deserves in the ring. Booker thinks for a looong moment. “I don’t think so. I think if he was not the boss he would. As a ring general he has all the qualities. I’m gonna give Triple H his props. Not because I work for the company. I remember being in WCW seeing Triple H was the one guy who was bleeding. He took the big bumps on the stairs. He would work hurt. I knew he was the one guy the embodiment of what a pro wrestler is. He was the wrestler.”
Brad says. “ I remember he tore his quad and finished the match!” Booker admits “I would not have done that. Call the ambulance. I don’t work through injuries. I remember getting injured working with Matt Hardy. I told him to cover me. Matt said he couldn’t because I was the champ. The Referee, Neil Patrick saved me. If not for him, we would have had a new champion at a house show.”
Michael Rapaport visits the studio. Booker welcomes him.
Booker: Last time you were here, you’ve became a hero since.
Michael: I was on the flight and a guy went up to the cabin door on the plane. I got animated and excited I screamed at him. I stopped him. Now they’re talking international hero. They want to give me a statue. I’m not the reluctant shy hero.
Brad: Give me my credit!
Booker: I am Iron Man!
They all laugh.
Booker: You do know those doors are pressurized. He would not be able to open the door. You do know that?
Booker laughs.
Michael. I know. But when you see it’s happening…
Booker: So what’s going on? How you feel?
Michael: Everything is good. Busy this Summer. Doing the Iron Rappaport Stereo Podcast Live. It’s me and G Moody. We gonna have a couple special guest. We been doing it for 3 and a half years. We talk about everything. Sports. Politics. It’s a trash talking extravaganza. Gonna be fun. They always have a lot of questions. I love the meet and greet with our fans afterward.
Booker: You are real vocal about Trump. You are one of the most vocal people in America about Trump. I respect that. Why don’t you think it’s more people out there speaking up like you do?
Michael: It’s scary. There is backlash on both sides. People lose their jobs. For me it’s about the divisiveness. I’d be happy to give my money back if the divisiveness goes away with him. We are the ones who will be left to clean it up. I get why people don’t. But for me I have to speak up. It’s too much to stand by and not say anything.
Booker: How much blame do the Democrats deserve for Trump?
Michael: I supported Hillary. Everyone can admit she didn’t run the best campaign. People didn’t think he would win, but, say what you want he ran a great campaign. I’m not into politics. We all have to take blame. We have to vote. If you are not voting you should not be allowed to complain.
Booker: We talkin politics. I looked at Hillary. 50,000 emails. I though Bernie was the people’s choice. They threw Bernie under the bus. How corrupt was she?
Michael: She wasn’t clean. That’s not why she lost. I am not that well informed. A lot people did not vote for Hillary after Bernie lost. A lotta people learned lessons.
Brad: To switch gears. How do you see Carmelo working out for us with the Rockets? I’m excited about it.
Michael: You should be excited. If he accepts the fact that he is not the focal point. I think he’s gonna be a big help. And Houston is a major problem. They will be a major issue.
Brad: How do you think the Knicks will do?
Michael: If we have a season with no major issues we will be fine. If we can remain healthy. We will be in a good position next Summer. I like this kid Knox.
Booker: How do you think Lebron will fare in LA? He says they are getting ready to make major moves. Right now.
Michael: I one hundred percent agree with him.The Lakers will be a major league issue. Lebron will never make it easy for you. When Lebron James is on your team you have a good chance to go far. It’s not a rebuilding year.
Booker: Who is the greatest of all time? Brad is a Michael Jordan fan.
Brad: The GOAT.
Michael: Michael Jordan is the best. He was the best winner. But if Lebron is not number one he is number two. I still think Jordan’s career is the best because of the six championships.
Brad: I Am Rapaport: Stereo Podcast. Saturday August 18th. You’ll get a lot more Michael Rappaport at the Warehouse Live. Twenty eight dollars for tickets.
Booker: Thank you for giving me time.
Michael: I appreciate the time. I look forward to seeing you guys out in Houston.
Booker: Boom.
Brad has a question for Booker. “There are not a lot of times when I get it right. I was right about Melo coming to Houston. You said Miami. You were wrong. How do you feel about Melo coming to the H?” Booker laughs. “I love it. He is a role-player. He is in the twilight of his career.” Brad brags. “We getting Carmelo for 2 million.” Booker agrees. “It’s a good deal but Melo will prove himself and get a better deal.”
Before the Final Bell:
Now it’s time for Booker to talk about war.
Colt Cabana vs. CM Punk. “This is just sad.” Brad says. “These are guys that were best friends. Both had runs in WWE. Colt’s was shorter. Then after they win the lawsuit…” Booker finishes his thought. Punk came on Art of Wrestling Podcast and they were discussing the case against Dr. Chris Amann. He sues. Lawsuit happens. Colt’s bill comes to $513,736. CM Punk says you pay half of that. Colt says I can’t pay that! Breach of contract. You said you would pay it all. Punk says pay it yourself.”
Brad responds that maybe Punk felt like since Colt asked him onto his show to give him the exclusive interview, and they both got sued, that Colt should pay half? Booker counters that if someone comes on this show and said disparaging things about someone why is he at fault?
Brad agrees but then falsely quotes. “It’s a tangled weave that we web.” Booker corrects him. “A tangled web that we weave.” Brad corrects himself and adds. “I still think Punk should cover his fees. Punk’s got that scratch! He had a run in the UFC. Those WWE stats.” Booker T strongly disagrees with him. “After taxes and a little stay in the hospital that money is gone! $513,000 that ain’t no chicken feed. That money don’t last.
(It’s being reported that Cabana was given the option to take down the CM Punk interview, but did not because Punk told him he would take care of any lawsuits.)
Overall Thoughts:
Better than last weeks show. Entertaining and filled with strong opinions. Michael Rapaport always brings energy to a show and Booker was especially animated. He feeding off the energy from his impending big show at ROW. Good stuff all around.
Rating: 8 out of 10
See ya next week!
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