Killing the Town
Release Date: August 13, 2018
Recap by: Dust
No Lazenby this week as Cyrus is on the road, in Toronto, for Impact tapings and interviews Brian Cage.
Cyrus starts off alone, talking G1.
He puts Tanahashi over for his G1 win, call him a stud and legend.
Cyrus was pulling for Ibushi but Tanahashi is a worthy victor.
Then the Cage interview starts.
They start discussing nutrition. Brian Cage takes very careful care of what he eats and when, eating all the time. He says that the most difficult thing about travel is nutrition. He cooks before a trip as much as he can but sometimes he has to plan ahead. He doesn’t want to go to McDonalds or Subway. Cage has done a lot of diets. Nowadays he eats 10 oz of protein per meal, 6 times a day, chicken/steak/beef and only has carbs twice or three times a day. He adds a dozen egg whites if he can, including powdered egg whites.
Cage was a competitive bodybuilder.
[Look at this dude, he’s certainly doing something right]
Lucha Underground started early which conflicted with his bodybuilding routine and prepping. He had to cancel shows and concentrated on LU.
Cage has been wrestling for 12 years. Graduated from Rogers. He started with an indy called Pro Championship Wrestling (there are a couple out there under the same name). Chris Kanyon was key to his career and giving him his first break, wrestling with him and getting him to Deep South Wrestling.
[bonus – early Kofi Kingston!]
Cage has been a wrestling fan since 5. Wasn’t a real athlete at school, hated the rigors of sport, wanted always to be a wrestler while combining that with skateboarding.
Cage started weight training at the end of high school when he realized he needed to do weights to become a wrestler. Would train every day during vacation during his last year of school.
Worked hard at Deep South Wrestling until it got shut down and moved to Florida Championship Wrestling.
He already had a son by the time he was at FCW. He made connections and friends in Florida. He claims he got released because he got hurt during a match, somebody blew a spot, is still not happy with that release. Trained with Tom Prichard, Norman Smiley and Dusty Rhodes while at FCW.
He then moved to Pro Wrestling Guerilla where he started getting more bookings and blew up.
Cyrus puts Cage over as being a jacked dude who does things a bodybuilder shouldn’t be able to – unique.
Cage things he’s also unique thanks to his size and agility. Likes doing crazy spots.
Cyrus is surprised he wasn’t an athlete at school. Cage didn’t want to train doing sports and had no desire to pursue them. Break to ads.
Cyrus puts the Network over during ads, I also love this coming from a NJPW/Impact guy.
Cyrus talks Cage in Impact and how they’re developing him slowly, showing off his abilities step by step.
Cage says he’s not a jacked up wannabe Batista despite his size.
He was a mark for Savage, Hogan and Warrior as a kid. Then he moved to Shawn Michaels and Scott Hall (Razor Ramone) in high school. Then he marked for Chris Kanyon, Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho. He doesn’t watch a lot of wrestling nowadays, mostly Impact and Lucha Underground or any wrestling he can catch during cardio exercises.
While on the road he tries to kill in the gym as much as he can even though its hard when he’s bumping properly. 6 days a week, every week.
He still works Mexico. During a month he works 15 nights which gives him a chance to be at home, Tuesdays and Wednesdays mostly. He’s married to Melissa Santos from Lucha Underground and they have a daughter together, living near Los Angeles.
He’s not into acting and not pursuing it. He doesn’t have time for something he isn’t passionate about.
He hopes to do angles with Rich Swann, Impact Johnny, Moose, Sami Callihan, Eddie Edwards, Cross and a lot guys in Impact.
In the future he wants to be main eventing with the X Division or world title in Impact or Lucha Underground. The wrestling scene currently is awesome. He’s on the Jericho Cruise, hoping to challenge the Bullet Club. He says he can do anything the Bullet Club can but he’s twice the size. He’s worked with the Young Bucks.
Score: 4 – Well, a pretty routine interview with a wrestler and that’s it.
About Dust
Not an Attitude Era fan, watches old wrestling but likes Nakamura/Styles/Kevin Owens, listens to too many podcasts. @twitdust
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