The WWE Podcast
Hogan’s Return, Braun & Brock Bomb and WWE Attacks Free Speech
Release Date: January 11, 2019. (36:56)
Recap by: Samantha L. Sayre
WWE Not Allowing Fans to Wear AEW Merchandise
-Cell phone video of it on Smackdown in Jacksonville went viral. Is WWE afraid of AEW or didn’t want the advertising? WWE reversed the decision quickly after it went viral and the public was outraged. WWE took the people’s money though. Matt believes it was only that WWE didn’t want the advertising for AEW happening. Only changing after public outrage makes it worse.
Hulk Hogan Returning
-This is a good thing. “How is this a good thing?” some ask. No, Matt doesn’t approve of what Hogan said, but he think Hogan did his time. How long do you hold this against him? Move on with your life if you don’t agree. Forgiveness should be allowed.
-In good taste and a good move in the tribute to Mean Gene by Hulk Hogan. WWE video packages are always top notch. Better than Matt could have thought. It was 90% focused on Mean Gene and not Hulk. Hogan would not be who he was today without Mean Gene. Hogan would have been successful, but not as successful. His match quality was always lacking, but Mean Gene brought out Hogan’s outgoing personality. Matt enjoyed Monday night. Hogan was at his best. He will not do another match and hopefully doesn’t become an authority figure.
-Raw was better on Monday. An effort was made and you could tell. Even if it was just camera angles. Matt enjoyed Raw and first live Raw is usually a hot show.
Braun and Brock Bomb
-Going to try to find the good in the segment first. WWE tried and have an effort. It made Braun look worse though. He is on a downslide. Not treading water, but sinking. Camera angles were changed. Matt wishes Brock could say one sentence instead of just coming out to do his little dance, stomp and run around the ring. He is terrible and redundant. WWE can’t blow everything up, but do need to try different things.
-Other shows try to read it to you, make it funny or aren’t genuine. Matt doesn’t care if WWE likes this podcast. Braun isn’t good on the mic. He always seems to be playing a character instead of being one. He sounds cartoonish and speak three octaves too low. No way that is his voice. Braun is bland. Paul Heyman tried to save the segment, but Braun kept going and left awkward pauses. It was cringeworthy. Brock came out and circled the ring. Braun, if you want him so bad then get out of the ring. No sense. Go after him! They don’t have good chemistry together. Braun is sinking and singing fast.
Daniel Bryan Segment
-Good and unique segment even though it felt a little duplicated from Lashley and Rollins. Matt has been a supporter of the Bryan holier than thou and vegan stance. A.J. Styles as a babyface attacks Daniel Bryan? Then R-Truth does? Two babyfaces attack the heel from behind? Matt doesn’t know how he is supposed to feel. A.J. is showing he is a vicious man because of a Vince slap?
Lashley For First Time Makes Fans Care
-Not in a big way, but just a small way. Matt wants him to get his ass kicked. So predictable that Lashley was going to interfere in Seth’s match with Ambrose. Lashley is boring and blah. Matt is looking forward to the predictable Lashley/Rollins encounter at Rumble.
Cena Returning and Drew Confronting Him
-Matt liked this confrontation. He doesn’t like the self deprecating humor of John Cena. Drew is taking this program serious. Drew feels like he belongs with Cena like Kevin Owens did. If they have a match then Drew has to go over to get the confidence. Good job by whomever booked this segment and by Drew.
Women’s Division
-Sasha gets an opportunity at Ronda which she won’t win unless both Becky and Ronda cost each other matches. Becky costs Ronda her championship and Ronda comes out to cost Becky the Royal Rumble win. Ronda says she wants Becky at WrestleMania.
-WWE missed the boat on Rusev 4 or 5 years ago. Rusev comes out and blames Shinsuke for hurting his wife. Shinsuke shows him the video because Rusev kicked him causing Lana to fall. A back bump hurt Lana? Hasn’t she been taking those while wrestling? Come on! The heel is right? Shinsuke should have used her for a shield or threaten her. The babyface looked stupid here.
What If Segment is Moved to Patreon.
Rating: 7.5/10
I would have gave this a solid 8 or higher if the What If segment had stayed. It is always the best segment. Enjoyed the Braun and Brock breakdown and how Hogan was used at the right time. While I don’t necessarily agree personally with the Cena comments, I do appreciate the explanation and why he wants Drew over more than Cena. I am really liking this podcast for its unbiased views.
About Samantha:
Samantha is a long time wrestling fan from WV. She quit watching during college and the first part of her career, but now is back full force. One of her goals is to be a host on one of PW Torch’s WWE or All Elite Wrestling post-show podcasts. Check her out on Twitter @Sam4413
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