Chris Jericho was recently interviewed by radio host Mean Jean and talked about Kane’s run for mayor and continually reinventing himself as a performer. Here are the highlights:
If he was surprised that Kane is running for mayor:
“Actually, it’s not surprising. Glenn (Jacobs) is one of the smartest people I’ve ever met. He doesn’t say things without thinking and I’ve always been very impressed with him about that. When he says something, you know he’s put a lot of thought into it. I actually texted him when I found out that he’s running for mayor and congratulated him because to me, it’s just a natural step. You see this legitimate 6-foot-8, close to 300 lbs guy and initially feel him as a neandertal. But yeah, a few years ago, he’s the only guy I’ve had an intelligent conversation with about Aldous Huxley and Brave New World. He’s a very smart guy, he’s a very take a stand type of a guy, but I think he’ll be an excellent mayor for Knox County for sure. I’d vote for him if I lived there.”
If he still loves wrestling as much as when he started out and how he keeps re-inventing himself:
“I think that’s all a part of the longevity when you’re in the public eye when you’re in show business. I always look at musicians whether it’s Madonna or KISS or David Bowie and how they always reinvented themselves and always kind of changed with the times but still stayed true to who they were as an artist. I think whether you’re in a rock and roll band or performing in the WWE or anything, you have to constantly revamp and re-up the ante and change things and reinvent yourself…for example, I just finished a 15-month run and that’s on TV every week, sometimes twice a week. If you’re doing the same thing and you look the same and you act the same and your performance is the same, it gets very boring very quickly. So I always try to do to keep people guessing.”
The two also discussed Jericho’s return to Fozzy and their latest album. For more, check out Mean Jean’s full interview with Chris Jericho.
“No New Taxes” is this millionaire clown’s entire platform.
Doink had more integrity.
How has KISS reinvented themselves?