“The Progressive Liberal” Daniel Richards has been making quite a name for himself on the independent scene. He’s been featured in Vice, Deadspin, and Sports Illustrated the past couple months. He recently popped up on the Duke Loves Rasslin podcast for an interview. Here are some of the highlights they sent along:
Recently wiping his butt with the Confederate Flag in a match:
“For all the people that got their feelings hurt by that I ask; who’s the real snowflake?”
Will he run for political office:
“I’ll say yes because that’ll work well with selling my Daniel Richards 2020 shirt at WhatAManeuver.Net.”
The key difference between him and Shane Helms:
“The one key difference with guys on his level is the devil is in the details. I might think of something and then he’s like, ‘Well I think we can do this to make it bigger.’ You work with guys on that level and in those spots they can’t help but rub off on you.”
Wanting to feud with Vince McMahon:
“There definitely would be a built in angle because of his photo ops with Trump and his connections to the Administration. I probably would just hit him with the Liberal Agenda (his finisher).”
For the full interview with Daniel Richards, check out the Duke Loves Rasslin podcast.
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