Mick Foley appeared on The Ross Report this week and, amongst other things, discussed his now legendary Hell in a Cell match against the Undertaker:
“The next day, there really wasn’t much talk about it. It wasn’t in the cold open, it wasn’t something we were building on. It was just something that happened. I didn’t know that, meanwhile in Atlanta, Georgia, Kevin Sullivan turned around to the booking committee and said ‘It’s over, brotha. The war is over.’ He saw the significance of it, but at the time, I felt like my career was kind of lagging. Then it just started growing over the weeks and months and now it’s been 19 years.
“I’m proud to say that this match is something that I no longer run from (laughs), shy away from. It is who I am. I realize (now) not only how brutal the match was, and how important it is, how many memories it holds for people, but just like how surreal things were. Ten minutes after the match, I’m in hugging Pat Patterson who just lost his partner. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Stephanie McMahon for the very first time. Then the oddest thing of that evening is (laughs) why was I still doing a run in during the Austin-Kane match? Remember at that time I was still a heel, and it was the most sympathetic fall for a heel running in. Usually, you would get so caught up in the action, which was a part of what made (Jim Ross) the best, is you create that world. You’re living in it and believe every moment that’s going on. In this case, it’s almost like ‘Aw, c’mon. He’s not back again.’ On top of everything else bizarre and brutal was the fact that nobody took me aside and said ‘You’re done for the night.’ I probably did a pretty good sell job, convincing everyone I was fine.”
Foley and Ross clearly remain good friends in their lives outside of wrestling. The two have a great rapport and discussed a number of other topics including Foley’s charitable work, the time he met Jack Nicklaus, and the art of delivering a one-man stage performance. To check it out, visit The Ross Report on PodcastOne.
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