We Watch Wrestling #194
Release Date: 5/17/2017
Recap by: Pat Radice
Top News:
- PWG preview
- Randy Orton’s Twitter rant reaction.
- Who is your favorite wrestler?
Subjects Covered (Timestamps):
0:00 – Hey…Do you watch wrestling?!
06:35 – Discussion of Titus O’Neil on Raw
08:06 – Bullet train to Wrestletown!
11:30 – Braun Strowman, some Raw thoughts, and cool shirts.
14:07 – What happens with the writing team when a wrestler gets hurt.
18:40 – New Fozzy single.
24:30 – Vince met Ian MacKaye.
40:11 – PWG rundown.
60:10 – Randy Orton Twitter controversy.
71:41 – Backlash talk
73:30 – AD
78:15 – NXT Chicago rundown.
82:17 – Who is your favorite wrestler?
Show Highlights:
Discussion of Titus O’Neil on Raw
The hosts loved Titus on Raw bragging about how much his suit costs and then having to wrestle. Tom said he normally does not like Titus but he was won over in his segment. Tom loves whenever someone brags about how much his clothes cost. Matt then brings up other wrestlers who did it in the past like Gorgeous George. Vince then brings up how nothing is worse than a person who brags about how much they make.
Bullet train to Wrestle Town!
Vince mentions that there is so much wrestling coming up the weekend after the podcast. He said “we are on a bullet train to Wrestletown!” Which was just fantastic and true; Friday was PWG, Saturday was NXT: Chicago and Sunday was WWE Backlash. Tom is disappointed because he will be out of town for everything and that he will miss Adam Cole’s last
(assumed) PWG show. The hosts discuss if he can keep his Adam Cole tattoo if he goes to NXT since they might change his name.
Braun Strowman, some Raw thoughts, and cool shirts.
Vince and Tom really liked Dean Ambrose vs. the Miz from Raw. Tom thought that Dean’s shirts are getting better but he still would not buy one. Vince brings up Finn Balor losing to Roman Reigns and thinking it could mean that Balor is winning the 5-way match at Extreme Rules. Matt brings up that Braun Strowman is out for a long time with an injured elbow. Tom said that he heard it is a work and he won’t be out as long as WWE is claiming. Vince makes fun of Tom for reciting Dave Meltzer without using his name.
What happens when a wrestler gets hurt with the writing team?
Tom asks a great question to Matt about how the company tells the writing team that a wrestler is hurt. Matt talks about how when he first started in WWE, Mark Henry got hurt and he was on the writing team that was not on the road. The company emailed him and the rest of the team to inform them that Henry was hurt. Most of the writers with the non-road crew were pretty new. They did not know what to do and thought that the email was just to tell them what happened, but when Michael Hayes got back from the road he sat down with them and asked why they did not send ideas.
New Fozzy single.
Vince mentions that Chris Jericho played the new Fozzy single on his podcast. He claims it is total garbage and the lyrics are some of the worst he ever heard. They play some of the song and the other hosts agree. Vince also wants people to watch the video because Jericho is front and center and you do not really see the other members of the band.
Vince met Ian MacKaye
Ian MacKaye was in the legendary punk bands Minor Threat, Fugazi, and his current band is The Evens. He coined the term “straight edge” and is the owner of Dischord Records. Vince and his wife went to his house while they were in DC and Ian sounded like the coolest person ever. Vince still can’t believe it happened and is amazed it actually happened.
PWG rundown.
Trevor Lee vs. Keith Lee – could be worth the price of admission alone.
Michael Elgin vs. Shane Strickland – the hosts are interested to see Shane Strickland.
The Chosen Bros. vs. reDRagon – leads into an interesting discussion about Matt Riddle. The hosts all agree that Matt Riddle is ready for WWE but would they bring him with his mushroom tattoo. Tom says that when he gets acting jobs there is makeup that covers his tattoos that do not come off easily so he could probably wrestle with it. This led somehow to Vince telling Tom he has to start listening to the Bruce Pichard podcast. Tom did not like the way Bobby Fish talked about going to wrestling camp and made it seem like he was above it to him.
Mark Haskins vs. Lio Rush – Vince and Matt do not remember who Mark Haskins is.
Adam Cole in maybe his last PWG match vs. Sami Callihan. Matt and Vince think it will be an emotional night with Cole leaving.
The Young Bucks vs. Fenix and Pentagon Jr. – The hosts say this is the match that Dave Meltzer is already on a bus towards the American Legion because of.
Zack Sabre Jr. vs. Trent? – This is for the title and the hosts say it will be incredible.
Randy Orton Twitter controversy.
Matt thinks Randy’s remote control helicopter got stuck in a tree and got angry so he wanted to make others mad. Tom thinks it is funny that Randy got so many people angry over Twitter since he probably did not care at all. Tom reads Rip Rogers’ rant that Randy re-tweeted. Tom said that Randy was perfect in responding to people complaining about what he was saying. Tom then reads Orton’s “apology” that he wrote. Matt reads Tommy Dreamer’s Twitter response to Orton and Tom says that won’t do anything to Orton because he does not care.
Backlash talk.
Tom is disappointed he will be missing Shinsuke Nakamura’s match at Backlash. Vince asks if A.J. Styles can be the new face of America and beat Kevin Owens. Vince thinks that if Jinder Mahal wins Donald Trump will put a net over him because of who he is. Tom loves the poster for the event and all of the hosts agree that it will be a great card.
NXT Chicago run down.
The hosts run down four matches very very quickly and talk about how the WWE is having a new UK show on the Network every Thursday. Tom is totally confused by it and Matt explains it is how WWE goes into a territory and tries to kill the promotions there so they are the only promotion in town.
Who is your favorite wrestler?
Tom – Titus O’Neil
Vince – The Miz AND Dean Ambrose (he could not decide because he loved the Raw match so much)
Matt – Shinsuke Nakamura
Score/Overall – 10/10 – The Ian MacKaye story was great even though it is not wrestling related. I also think they do such a great job running down PWG cards that it makes me look forward to the next week to hear them talk about how the card went. A really good and funny show.
About Pat
Pat is a full-time nontraditional college student and a part-time guy who gives out samples at supermarkets. He is a lifelong wrestling fan and a Pro Wrestling Torch subscriber since 1996. He currently lives in Lake Ariel, PA near Scranton, PA with his wife Deanna and their dog Roxie and cat Snickers.
For more, check out last week’s recap of We Watch Wrestling!
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